Monday, June 4, 2012

Jonah 2:8

This verse popped up on my "Daily Bible Verse" feed the other day, and I have not been able to get it out of my mind ever since:

"Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs."
Jonah 2:8
How often am I guilty of clinging to worthless idols? I am ashamed to say that it is a daily battle for me. Thankfully, our God is a God of grace.

I once heard that as Christians (most of us spoiled Christians) we like to hold on to our blessings tightly, with closed fists. When God gives us something good, we want to keep it! This is a natural response, but not necessarily a healthy one. Sometimes we are only meant to hold onto things for a season and then let them go.

For example: if you know me at all you know that I have had the worst luck dating. It was my own fault. I was ignorant and selfish, and I am not afraid to admit that anymore. Time after time God took away the man who was causing me to self destruct, and time after time I would get dragged back down into the same empty pit.  It was a hollow life of building and clinging to false idols.

When I finally decided that I wanted a change, I wasn't entirely sure if God would even want me back, but He did! I decided to put dating on the shelf for a while and let God pursue me. I spent a glorious two years basking in His wonderful grace. He brought me some of the closest, Godliest, friends I have ever had. He repaired the damage I had done to my old friendships and family relationships. I got smarter, I developed talents, I became humble, I worked harder. I learned to live with open hands.

Now, I am blessed to have a wonderful boyfriend whom I am grateful for and amazed by every day. Now I feel like I can be a better girlfriend because I am not clinging to him like an idol, but rather cherishing him as a valued partner in grace. Now I can live with open hands because I know that God can and will get me through anything. Now I feel peace.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Journaling (Prayer and Personal)

I have been journaling for as long as I can remember. It has always been helpful to me, but this year I have identified two formats that I find most helpful.

First, I have my prayer journal. It is a great way to focus prayer and achieve greater intentionality in your quiet times. It is also an amazing way to see what all God has been up to in your life. He truly does answer prayers in a remarkable way!!!
 A middle school Sunday School teacher once shared this format for praying with me that I still use in my prayer journaling today. It is called ACTS:

A- Adoration. Start your prayer by praising God and giving Him the glory and respect He deserves.
C-Confess. Confess your sins and struggles to God.
T- Thanksgiving. Thank God for all of the blessings He has given you.
S- Supplication. Humbly ask God to supply for your needs and the needs of others.

Second, I have a personal journal which I like to use to work through things that are upsetting me. If you've ever wondered how I keep my calm, this is how.
I made this format up based on some handouts I used in my English methods class. Ha, Thanks Dr. BB for encouraging us to think about who we are as both a person AND a teacher! (She is the best!)
Situation: A brief summary of the situation that is causing you to be upset.
Know: What you know to be true about the situation.
Think: What you think about the situation.
Feel: How the situation has made you feel.
Resolution: What you are going to do about it!

Here is an example of my personal/situational journal for today:

Situation: I am nervous about taking the OSAT tomorrow.
Know: I know that even if I fail it the first time, I can take it again this summer.
Think: I think that I should not have to wake up so early to take this stupid test!!!
Feel: I feel nervous because I don't want to wake up at the break of dawn to take a super hard test! I am worried that I will not pass it and have to take it again.
Resolution: I will take my time studying today and go to bed early. I will be confident in my cognitive abilities and the superior instruction I have received.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Banana-Berry Oatmeal Smoothie + Fig and Walnut Flatbread

After all the Easter goodies I felt like I needed some healthy fuel for brain and body! It's going to be a long night of homework. Here are the goodies:

Fig + Walnut Flatbread:
-5 Black Mission figs
-1/4 cup chopped walnuts
-1 wedge garlic-herb Laughing Cow cheese
-2 whole grain Wasa flatbread crisps

Banana-Berry Oatmeal Smoothie (Sounds weird, I know, but oatmeal smoothies are extremely popular in Latin America, and this smoothie was amaaaaazing!)

- 1 cup vanilla yogurt
-1 banana
-1/2 cup milk
-1 packet of mixed berry instant oatmeal

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Apple Chips

I made these for myself the other day and the boyfriend found and ate all of them, ha ha! BUT because they are so easy to make and healthy and delicious I decided to make us some more to take to his soccer game tomorrow.
MMmmMMmm! My apartment smells wonderful when these are baking! :)


- 4 Fuji apples



1.) Pre-heat oven tho 375 degrees

2.) THINLY slice apples.

3.)  Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

4.) Sprinkle with cinnamon.

5.) Bake for 25 minutes

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Salmon and Pesto Breakfast Sandwich

I have a confession to make: I am in love with breakfast. Like, Ron Swanson in love with breakfast. While we're on the subject...appreciate this:
Thank you, Ron Swanson for being one of the most amazing characters that T.V. has ever known.

Now, let's talk about this:

 The good thing about being able to cook is that you can cook whatever the heck you want, whenever the heck you want. Lately this has been breakfast all the time. So, I came up with this creation...what a beaut!

-2 eggs
-1 thick cut slice of bread (I used Texas toast)
-Cream cheese
-Salmon fillet (Smoked is the best. Don't you agree?)
-Olive oil (I used rosemary infused and it was amaaaaazing!)
-Black Pepper

How to:
1.) Toast the bread and spread a layer of pesto on top.
2.) Heat up about a TBS of olive oil in your frying pan and cook your salmon fillet. (About 3 minutes on each side)
3.) Place the fillet on top of the toast and spread your cream cheese on top.
4.) Finally, poach 2 eggs and place them on the top.
5.) Salt and pepper to taste.

For easy egg poaching, I recommend this: . Works like a charm!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012, that's why I wanted to be a teacher.

My poor mentor teacher was ill today and called in at the last minute, so guess who got to fill in? That's right, yours truly! It served as a much needed reminder of why I want to teach. The students were so wonderful and well-behaved (a remarkable thing for juniors and seniors). I got to spend a lot of one-on-one time with them working on their thesies and just talking about life and their futures. I was amazed how even the toughest kids opened up and shared their insecurities and anxieties with me, and was overjoyed to be able to help them. We laughed, we shared, and we got good work done...what could be better?!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

3 Reasons Why You Should Encourage Someone TODAY!

1.) It is easy, but so effective.  A simple kind word may turn someone's day around. As a secretary I know how hard service jobs can be sometimes. When people tell me "Thanks for the help!" it makes a huge difference. Be sure to thank those who serve you: waiters, janitors, teachers...a little kindness goes a long way.

2.) It strengthens friendships. I feel truly blessed to have such encouraging friends. We are always telling each other "I love you!" and we really mean it.  It makes me feel confident and strong to know that my friends love me, and if I feel confident and strong, chances are I will be a better friend.

3.) You might not get the chance to tomorrow. Nobody knows what the future holds, but we do know that EVERYONE is experiencing some sort of hardship in their lives. Don't just assume that your friends are fine. Take the time to find out how you can better serve them.


"Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear." - Ephesians 4:29 

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near." -Hebrews 10:24-25

"But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin." -Hebrews 3:13

Sunday, February 12, 2012


My goal for this month has been to "work to meet the needs of others." It has been rough. I try my best, but can feel myself getting run down. If there is someone in your life who works hard to make your life better please remember to thank them for all they do! Being kind is not just a personality trait it is a lifestyle. A truly giving spirit comes from the Lord alone.

Pray for me friends!

1 Peter 4:10-11

"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Origami Valentine

I was so proud of myself for conquering my origami fears. This tutorial (  was more simple than others, I was very grateful.

I, of course, took the liberty of decorating mine:

And if you glue down the corners on the back it makes the perfect little envelope for a love note:

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

V-day Hair Clips Tutorial

I started writing a few tutorials over the Christmas holiday (here is the link if you missed it ). I really enjoy it because it helps me to practice both my crafting and my writing. Instruction writing is hard! Anyway, here is one for some Valentine's Day Hair Clips that I made to give to my Bible Study girlfriends.

What You Will Need:
  • Conversation Hearts
  • A hot glue gun
  • Hair clips
  • Spray Varnish
  • Modge Podge
  1.  Place the conversation hearts in a large shallow container that you do not mind getting varnished (I used a box top) and take it outside to spray the hearts. DO THIS OUTSIDE. The stuff is very strong smelling and also flammable.
  2. Be sure to spray BOTH sides of the hearts. This makes them weather resistent. (Follow the directions on the can)
  3. After your hearts are dry clip them onto some waxed paper so that the hot glue does not cause the clip to stick to itself when you glue the hearts onto the top.
  4. Place a small dot of hot glue on the back of the heart and press it onto the clip, holding it down firmly until dry.
  5. If you want your clips to be shiny brush a small amount of modge podge on the top of the hearts.
  6. DONE! Enjoy :)
*Note: Be careful with your clips. They are pretty sturdy, but not intended for children.*

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mid Winter Haiku

On lacy branches
Buds timidly appear.
Welcome friends.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Kiss is Not a Contract

Last week I overheard two girls talking about how whenever they were dating someone new the guy would make them feel, more or less, obligated to have sex with them. Even if it was only their FIRST date. I was shocked, but what was even more shocking was that they often went along with it even if they didn't really want to.

That, my friends, breaks my heart. What kind of a scum bag guy feels like it is okay to try and guilt someone into having sex with them? and what kind of a girl does not have enough self worth to stand up to him and let him know that this is not okay!? I fear that this sort of thing happens much more often than we think. It is probably why nearly half of the US female population ages 20-24 have a high risk form of HPV.

^^^ I got this from the website. Scary, huh?

I don't want this post to seem judgemental. Whatever you do is your business. I would just like to encourage my fellow ladies to stand up for yourselves and realize that you are worth more than your body. You deserve someone who is going to take care of your heart too. You are NOT obligated to do anything except be true to yourself. If this loser you are dating cannot see that, he is not worth you time.

If that did not get through to you...perhaps Brett and Jermaine say it best:

"A Kiss is Not a Contract"

Sunday, January 15, 2012

January Update!

The Proverbs 31 Project is going really well! January's goal was to "Be Reliable/Responsible."

Week 1: My mini-goal for the first week was to spend consistent time with God every night. It was really tough (I don't know why I can spend hours on facebook and not in my Bible), but sooo rewarding. Life just seems to flow smoother when God is actively involved. The blessings continue to pour out and I am ever so grateful. If you want to get closer to God I highly recommend stepping it up in your quiet times. I find that prayer journaling helps me a lot!

I learned this format for prayer journaling in Sunday School when I was little and still use it today. It is based off of the format of the Lord's Prayer.

  • A (Adore): Start your prayer by praising God for the marvelous God He is! He deserves it!
  • C (Confess): Confess your sins to the Lord daily, and repent of them.
  • T (Thanksgiving): Thank the Lord for all of your blessings.
  • S (Supplication): Humbly ask the Lord to provide for your needs.

Week 2: My mini-goal for the second week was to keep commitments. I was proud of myself for doing everything that I said I would do this week, but it was very difficult. Life is busy and unexpected things come up all the time. I think that the best way to keep your commitments is to not make very many of them.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Proverbs 31 Project

Many of you already know how much I enjoy the Proverbs. I feel as thought they have much practical advice to offer, especially in today's day and age when it is so easy to get off track. In fact, my "life verse" for many years has been Proverbs 3:5-6
"5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart
   and lean not on your own understanding;
6 in all your ways submit to him,
   and he will make your paths straight."
As I have grown older I have found out just how true those words are. Submitting to God takes every ounce of energy a person can muster along with some help from the Holy Spirit. However, nothing is more fulfilling. There is a divine peace that comes when we walk with the Lord and Him alone.

SO this year I decided to set monthly goals to help me submit to His will for my life. To help me do this I have turned to the Proverbs 31 description of what a godly woman should be. From that description I have taken 12 attributes (one for each month) and have written them on my desktop calender. I will spend each day praying for that month's attribute to become evident in my life and set mini-goals for the week that help me put them into action. Here are the 12 attributes:
A Godly Woman:
  1. Is trustworthy/ reliable
  2. Works to meet the needs of others
  3. Is proactive
  4. Has a positive attitude
  5. Is discerning
  6. Is a good provider
  7. Is a hard worker
  8. Has dignity
  9. Trusts God's will
  10. Is confident
  11. Is wise
  12. Is a mentor
I have added this as a new section to my blog and will post my updates and goals for each month! Be on the lookout for January's coming soon :)