Monday, June 4, 2012

Jonah 2:8

This verse popped up on my "Daily Bible Verse" feed the other day, and I have not been able to get it out of my mind ever since:

"Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs."
Jonah 2:8
How often am I guilty of clinging to worthless idols? I am ashamed to say that it is a daily battle for me. Thankfully, our God is a God of grace.

I once heard that as Christians (most of us spoiled Christians) we like to hold on to our blessings tightly, with closed fists. When God gives us something good, we want to keep it! This is a natural response, but not necessarily a healthy one. Sometimes we are only meant to hold onto things for a season and then let them go.

For example: if you know me at all you know that I have had the worst luck dating. It was my own fault. I was ignorant and selfish, and I am not afraid to admit that anymore. Time after time God took away the man who was causing me to self destruct, and time after time I would get dragged back down into the same empty pit.  It was a hollow life of building and clinging to false idols.

When I finally decided that I wanted a change, I wasn't entirely sure if God would even want me back, but He did! I decided to put dating on the shelf for a while and let God pursue me. I spent a glorious two years basking in His wonderful grace. He brought me some of the closest, Godliest, friends I have ever had. He repaired the damage I had done to my old friendships and family relationships. I got smarter, I developed talents, I became humble, I worked harder. I learned to live with open hands.

Now, I am blessed to have a wonderful boyfriend whom I am grateful for and amazed by every day. Now I feel like I can be a better girlfriend because I am not clinging to him like an idol, but rather cherishing him as a valued partner in grace. Now I can live with open hands because I know that God can and will get me through anything. Now I feel peace.

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