Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Kiss is Not a Contract

Last week I overheard two girls talking about how whenever they were dating someone new the guy would make them feel, more or less, obligated to have sex with them. Even if it was only their FIRST date. I was shocked, but what was even more shocking was that they often went along with it even if they didn't really want to.

That, my friends, breaks my heart. What kind of a scum bag guy feels like it is okay to try and guilt someone into having sex with them? and what kind of a girl does not have enough self worth to stand up to him and let him know that this is not okay!? I fear that this sort of thing happens much more often than we think. It is probably why nearly half of the US female population ages 20-24 have a high risk form of HPV.

^^^ I got this from the website. Scary, huh?

I don't want this post to seem judgemental. Whatever you do is your business. I would just like to encourage my fellow ladies to stand up for yourselves and realize that you are worth more than your body. You deserve someone who is going to take care of your heart too. You are NOT obligated to do anything except be true to yourself. If this loser you are dating cannot see that, he is not worth you time.

If that did not get through to you...perhaps Brett and Jermaine say it best:

"A Kiss is Not a Contract"

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