Hello friends! If you haven't already watched this video, you should! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WAFFMF4iZY
I loved it, but let me be the first to say: being a Proverbs 31 woman is very difficult.
Over the summer I led a Bible Study over Proverbs, and the last week we had a special Proverbs 31 party. It was fantastic! My little apartment was filled with some of the most beautiful, God-seeking women I have ever met!
One thing that did surprise me though, as I looked around at these holy faces, was that most of us were single. How did that happen?! I asked them what they thought and the only answer that we could come up with was that there is a serious lack of Godly guys out there. I would take it one step further and say that there is a serious lack of Christians willing to live their faith out there.
I have made my share of mistakes. I know how it feels to think that the only way to keep a guy's attention was to let him use you. As much as I regret what happened, I don't place the blame on any of them. I wanted attention...I was using them too. I even thought it was what I wanted, but I never ended up being happy. I didn't trust that God had something better planned for me.
Now it seems the more I seek to follow God and become the unique woman he has called me to be, the more society pushes me away and the less likely I am to find a guy willing to walk with me instead of in front of me or behind me. It is frustrating to know that you are working hard to be a Godly woman and not see your brothers AND sisters working too. It is frustrating to see your sisters in despair that guys do not seem to value what they have to offer. It is frustrating to be insecure, and every day is a struggle. It is my prayer that my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ would build each other up so that together we can build God's kingdom.
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