Tuesday, October 25, 2011

An Overview of Eros (Part 1)

I have become known as the girl in Bible study that always wants to talk about sex. This is fine with me. I do not think that churches talk about sex enough. Certainly not in proportion to how much the Bible talks about it or in ways that are relevant! Well, I don't want my friends to ever think that a subject is too taboo to talk about with me, especially when it concerns spiritual matters. That's why I was so excited to get to teach the chapter concerning "Eros" in C.S. Lewis's book The Four Loves this week! Lewis has such a fresh, insightful, and romantic view of the matter. I think it should be mandatory reading! Here is the companion guide I made to go along with tonight's discussion:

An Overview of Eros (Part 1)
-Eros is different than human sexuality. Sexuality only becomes a part of Eros when it is used as an expression of love.  What is involved in sex? What is involved in love?
-Sexual relations ships can occur with or without Eros.
-Eros, though very important, is a small part of marriage.
-Eros is not usually a precursor to desire.
-Eros wants the beloved more than the sex act.
-Eros makes the pursued not just someone, but THE one.
-Eros transforms a need-pleasure into the highest of all appreciative pleasures.
-Eros needs most intensely because it appreciates most intensely.
-Eros is not an act, it is a mode of perception. Discuss the quote: “Love you? I AM you.”
-Paul encourages his followers not to abstain from Eros for too long or else it can become a distraction rather than a virtue. See 1Corinthians 7:1-16
-Sensuality is not the destroyer of marriages but rather all of the other distracters that come up.
-Eros is laughter loving. It does not treat sex too seriously. What are some reasons why sex IS serious?
* Eros illustrated:

Sexual Desire
Need to Eat
Is discarded after the need is met.
Is discarded after the need is met.
Pursues the needs of the beloved.
If need is left unmet discomfort ensues.
If need is left unmet discomfort ensues.
Appreciates the beloved and is dismayed if the need is not returned.
Is natural/biological.
Is natural/biological.
Is natural with added emotional and spiritual components.
Can become a distracter.
Can become a distracter.
Is a point of view.

Monday, October 24, 2011

10 Ways to Feel Like a 10

Dear Gal Pals,
1. Mani-pedi: Give yourself one or splurge!

2. Floss your teeth: Ha Ha...It just make you feel so clean.

3. Work it on Out: I have the gym, but I LOVE "Just Dance"

4. DIY facial: first use a scrub (that apricot scrub is the bestttt!) Then use a mud pack (Montagne   Jeunesse Fruit Smoothie Masque is my favorite, and you can get 2 for $3 at Walgreens)

5. www.peopleofwalmart.com Sure, it's a little mean to laugh at these people, but your don't know them, and you are FOR SURE better looking.

6. Treat yourself to some new lipgloss for an instant ego boost.

7. If you haven't heard of this brand you are missing out! Low calorie chocolate for the win! www.skinnycow.com

8. Put on your cute girl panties. They look good on ya!

9. Live vicariously: Watch a movie where not just the 10s win (Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, 27 Dresses)

10. GIRL TALK! You're friends love telling you how hot you are, your mom just tells you to stop wearing yoga pants.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

What I Learned From a Mini-Breakdown

Ever have one of those day where nothing goes right; you think that the universe is against you, and you just want to crawl up in a ball and eat a whole bad of puffy Cheetos? Well, the past few WEEKS have been like that for me. I suddenly looked around and saw my world imploding. Pretty soon there was nothing left for me to do but cry. Last night I cried A LOT. It was really pathetic and kind of gross, but it needed to happen. As I laid there sniffling I thought "This is good. I need to feel this. Really feel how upset I am and let it all out." I journaled, prayed, and asked others to pray for me too, then I went to sleep.
This morning when I woke up I decided that it was going to be my last day being depressed. I was going to throw myself a pity party. This involved a lot of journaling, Bath and Body products, British pop music, junk food and "Dirty Dancing" (which I may or may not have watched twice in one day). I cleaned the apartment, I beat my all my high scores on Just Dance, I read some Poe, and I organized all of my hair accessories. I feel better. Here's what I learned:
  • It's okay to feel sad and crazy. Embrace it and then let it go.
  • If you focus on the one way someone doesn't love you, you lose sight of all the wonderful ways they really do.
  • Just because thing change doesn't mean that things are getting worse.
  • It's okay to ask for help and to be vulnerable. Your true friends never judge.
  • I can tell my best friends anything. I love them so much.
  • People, in general, want to help. Sometimes you just have to let them know how they can.
  • Turning off my phone and computer was like an instant retreat.
  • I care too much what other people think about me.
  • People say that I need to "play the game" if I want to get a man, but any man worth my time will be a rule-bender like me. I will never change who I am for anyone.
  • People say that any man would be lucky to date me, that is absolutely true.